Blog Javascript Porter

Request Protocol for Javascript Porter ver 2.1

js.php?l=[linklist] [&(compress|c)=(yes|true|no|false)] [&(noheader|nh)=(yes|true|no|false)] linklist = {libName}[pluginList],{libName}[pluginList],{libName}[pluginList]… pluginList = {pluginName},{pluginName},{pluginName}… (case insensitive) Requesting a library (e.g. jQuery) js.php?l=jquery Requesting a library with specific version (e.g. jQuery ver 1.8.0) js.php?l=jquery-1.8.0 (use hyphen to connect lib name with version. use dots to connect subversions) Requesting a library with plugins (e.g. jQuery with UI effects core) js.php?l=jquery[ui_effects_core] (use square bracket to […]

Javascript Porter

Javascript Porter Ver 2.0

(Source Code) Instructions This program search under the preset folder (JSFILEFOLDER) for requested files and send them in order. This program accepts 3 arguments: l(link list), duplicate and compress. Arguments link list A list of names of Javascript files needed to be gathered. Do not include file extension (.js), separate with commas. duplicate Allow duplication or […]

Javascript Porter

Javascript Porter Ver 1.1

Ver 1.1(Source Code) Change Record Fixed the issue when removing in-line comments. Now only single-line comments will be removed, pending in-line comments will remain. Known Issues It is not recommended using pending in-line comments. In-line comments should take their own lines. Otherwise do not use compression.

Javascript Porter

Javascript Porter Ver 1.0

Ver 1.0(Source Code) This program gathers and sends multiple Javascript files on demand, which benefits webpage loading speed in the way of avoiding unnecessary requests and reduces the amount of Script tags on pages. Instructions This program search under the preset folder (JSFILEFOLDER) for requested files and send them in order. This program accepts 3 arguments: l(link […]